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The Regimen Kit Plus Treatment is now ultra-micronized and evenly dispersed, so there is no waiting between steps.

$80.90$112.73 or subscribe and save 5%


This kit contains everything you need for your first 1-2 months on The Regimen, plus:

6 oz. AHA+ (Glycolic Acid – 10%): You will add this into the regimen after 1 month, either in place of your moisturizer every other night, or mixed ½ and ½ with your moisturizer every evening.

8 oz. Organic Jojoba Oil: For extra moisture, you can add 5-6 drops of jojoba oil into your moisturizer starting from day 1. You can also add jojoba oil to AHA+.

For specific instructions on how to use this kit, learn The Regimen and follow it precisely. Cleanser

When treating acne, the first step is to cleanse the skin. Cleansing removes oil, dirt, and pollution so that the treatment you apply can effectively penetrate. However, cleansing should be performed correctly, with only bare hands, using a featherlight touch for 10 seconds or less. This might seem fast, but any form of skin irritation can make acne worse, so it is vitally important to stay gentle and brief when washing your skin.

I made this generously sized, ultra-gentle liquid cleanser so we would have a pH-balanced cleanser which doesn’t overdry and is gentle enough for people with sensitive, acne-prone skin. It also lathers extremely well, which helps reduce drag on the skin, further helping to prevent irritation.

It is also unscented and dye-free. Fragrances and dyes can sometimes irritate the skin, and since irritation can lead to acne, it’s best to opt for unscented and dye-free products.

 Does it take off makeup?

Yes, it works at removing foundation, BB/CC cream, powder, blush, and bronzer. For long-wearing makeup, lipstick, and eye makeup, Moisturizer or Organic Jojoba Oil may be a better choice.

 How do I use it to shave? Cleanser is an ideal shaving “cream.” Dispense 2-3 pumps (you can get away with 2, but 3 is a bit nicer) into your palm and get a nice thick lather going. Apply the lather as you would shaving cream and off you go. It’s as good or better than almost all shaving creams/gels/foams/soaps and helps you avoid potentially irritating ingredients in these products. See the guide to shaving for more detailed instructions. Treatment (Benzoyl Peroxide – 2.5%)

After many years of members asking me to produce and sell a 2.5% Benzoyl Peroxide, I decided to go ahead and make this generously sized, gel-based 2.5% Benzoyl Peroxide, and to make it as perfect as possible to use with The Regimen. That meant it had to be big so people had plenty of it, gel-based so it would spread easily and wouldn’t turn white when you perspire, and pH-balanced to keep irritation to a minimum.

Recently I’ve improved Treatment (Benzoyl Peroxide – 2.5%) even more, incorporating ultra-micronized, evenly dispersed particles of benzoyl peroxide. You’ll notice results right away. When used correctly, you can expect to completely clear up. Also, with this new Treatment, there is no need to wait for your skin to dry between steps of The Regimen. Now The Regimen only takes a few minutes to perform.

Why 2.5% strength?

Several studies show that 2.5% Benzoyl Peroxide clears acne just as well as 10% solutions. Importantly, it also produces much less irritation. This is important for two reasons:

  • Irritation of the skin can lead to more acne. It is very important to reduce irritation when it comes to acne-prone skin.
  • Because 2.5% dries the skin less than 10% Benzoyl Peroxide, using a 2.5% Benzoyl Peroxide makes a daily Benzoyl Peroxide regimen sustainable because it doesn’t overdry the skin.

What does ultra-micronized and evenly dispersed mean exactly?

The Benzoyl Peroxide particles in this Treatment are ultra-micronized, which means they are exceptionally small. This allows the particles to better penetrate into pores (sebaceous follicles), where they then kill acne bacteria (C. acnes), and gently peel the skin more effectively. This is why you will find that this Treatment clears you up so remarkably well and so quickly. This is also why you won’t find grittiness in Treatment like you often do in other Benzoyl Peroxide products.

The tiny particles are suspended evenly in a gel matrix for even dispersement across the skin. This even dispersement facilitates complete penetration into pores and ensures that the Benzoyl Peroxide particles stay at maximum power. You may “feel it working” a bit more than before, but should find it less irritating.

How does Benzoyl Peroxide work?

Whether we are talking about the face or the body, acne problems start the same way. For reasons no one completely understands, a pore becomes clogged, trapping skin oil that normally drains to the surface. Inside skin oil lives acne bacteria, which multiplies in the clogged pore, and voila, a pimple is born.

Acne treatments usually target one of the two phases of a blemish’s life cycle, whereas Benzoyl Peroxide targets both:

  • Preventing the initial clogged pore: Benzoyl Peroxide is a drying and peeling agent, unclogging pores and preventing new clogged pores.
  • Killing acne bacteria: Out of any over-the-counter or prescription medication on the market, Benzoyl Peroxide kills bacteria the best. Studies show Benzoyl Peroxide kills over 99% of acne bacteria within minutes.

One more benefit of Benzoyl Peroxide that is still not completely understood is how it dramatically calms the skin and improves the overall complexion. You’ll notice after you use Treatment for a few weeks that your complexion will transform from red and irritated to balanced, even-toned, and healthy looking.

To sum it all up, when you use enough 2.5% Benzoyl Peroxide–especially ultra-micronized and evenly dispersed Benzoyl Peroxide–in the right way as outlined in The Regimen, it’s quite simply stronger than acne, and will leave your skin completely clear, balanced, and healthy.

How to use 2.5% Benzoyl Peroxide?

The secret to using benzoyl peroxide is to use a lot of it (once you have slowly ramped up the dosage). This is why it was a no-brainer to make Treatment only in large sizes.

It is also important to remember to stay gentle when you apply it. I often tell people to “go overboard with how gentle you stay when you apply it.” Use only a featherlight touch and allow your skin to do the work, absorbing the Benzoyl Peroxide on its own without rubbing. If after a minute or two it’s still not completely absorbed, just let the rest absorb on its own.

Important – follow The Regimen instructions precisely: Since I can’t say everything right here, be sure to read through The Regimen carefully before you start using Treatment. You should start clearing up quickly and reliably if you follow it precisely. Many people find it helpful to bring the Regimen video into the bathroom with them the first couple of times they perform The Regimen until they have it down pat.

Reminder: I recommend that you add in AHA+ (10% Glycolic Acid) after 1 month on The Regimen. It turbo-charges Benzoyl Peroxide, and provides insurance that you will stay completely clear.

What are the risks and warnings?

As with any Benzoyl Peroxide product, it is important that you start slowly with the amount that you use. Benzoyl Peroxide comes with what dermatologists refer to as the well-known “hardening effect.” This means that Benzoyl Peroxide causes redness, dryness, and itchiness in many people for the first few weeks until the skin gets used to it. While this is unavoidable to some extent, you can prevent some of the redness and dryness by being prudent and STARTING SLOWLY (notice how this is in all caps – trust me), with just a pea-size amount once a day for the first week, and then slowly upping your dosage and frequency from there.

Also, a very small percentage (about 1 in 500) of the population is allergic to Benzoyl Peroxide, which is evidenced by swelling and/or severe crusting. If you suspect you may be allergic, test it on a small area (the meaty part of the inner elbow is a good spot) for a few days before diving in.

Lastly, Benzoyl Peroxide can bleach dyed fabrics, so keep it away from clothing that you love. Benzoyl Peroxide may also bleach hair and eyebrows in some people to some extent.

Why is it so inexpensive?

I am able to offer such a large and high quality Benzoyl Peroxide at a low price and still make a profit due to my low overhead. Also, because you are ordering directly from me, there are no complex distribution channels or middlemen that inflate prices. Lastly, I do not advertise and have no marketing department (so please help spread the word about The Regimen on social media). Moisturizer

People who are acne-prone tend to have what is called an impaired skin barrier. This means is the outermost layer of skin is weak, and this causes loss of moisture through the skin. Even if you feel you have “oily” skin you can still have an impaired skin barrier. To heal the skin barrier, apply Moisturizer after applying Treatment.

I carefully formulated Moisturizer to contain no pore-clogging or irritating ingredients and to be safe to use on acne-prone skin. In fact, you can use as much as you need, as often as you need, without fear of clogging pores.

Some people have success with moisturizing only once per day in the morning, particularly people who live in humid environments. But even if that might be true for you, first, follow The Regimen precisely until you are completely clear. That means moisturizing twice a day, every day. Then, once you are completely clear, you can try eliminating moisturizer at night and see if you stay clear. Moisturizer now contains 2% Niacinamide

Due to your input over the past year or so, I’ve been in the lab experimenting with the active natural ingredient that I put into Moisturizer. Previously I used Licorice Root, but I recently switched to Niacinamide. Niacinamide helps regulate skin-oil production and reduces redness. It’s a welcome ingredient in any anti-acne Regimen.

Is the Moisturizer non-comedogenic (won’t clog pores)?

Yes. 100%. I chose each ingredient carefully to ensure that this moisturizer is completely non-comedogenic. Instead of causing any problems with acne, regular use should actually help calm and soothe acne-prone skin. Use it liberally without fear.

Why 2 full pumps?

Many people are accustomed to using only a small amount of moisturizer. However, when you are on The Regimen and using generous amounts of Treatment (2.5% benzoyl peroxide), your skin will require extra hydration. For most people, that means using 2 full pumps (4mL) of this moisturizer to keep the skin in balance. During the first few weeks of The Regimen you may require 3 pumps.

Note: Some people who have extra oily skin or live in humid environments may only need 1 pump. Through trial and error you will find the right amount for you. You want your skin to feel non-irritated and fully moisturized. AHA+ (Glycolic Acid – 10%)

I strongly recommended that everyone who is on The Regimen add in AHA+ after 1 month.

This is how I describe what it does: The Regimen will get you completely clear. Adding in AHA+ will take clear to perfect. In other words, careful application of The Regimen works to get people completely clear. However, adding in AHA+ enhances the efficacy of the regimen even further, adding insurance that your skin will stay perfectly clear. It also improves skin tone so your skin will appear glowing and healthy. Basically, expect compliments once you start using it. AHA+ contains 10% glycolic acid (an alpha hydroxy acid – AHA), which is the legal limit in over-the-counter products. It also contains licorice root. Acne-prone skin tends to be irritated, and licorice root helps calm the irritation and bring the skin into balance. It is fragrance-free and dye-free, and of course, it is completely non-comedogenic (won’t clog pores).

I formulated AHA+ at a pH of 4.0 – 4.1, which is just enough to powerfully exfoliate, but not too acidic that it stings too badly (it will sting a bit though – that’s how you know it’s working). Oddly enough, many manufacturers formulate their glycolic acid products at too high a pH to be effective, so be careful when choosing glycolic acid products, and make sure you know the pH.

For the face (and front of the neck): Perform The Regimen for 1 month before you add in AHA+ to be sure you have given your skin enough time to become accustomed to Treatment (Benzoyl Peroxide – 2.5%). If you use it sooner than this it may sting very badly. Trust me. Give it a month. When you are ready to use it, you can use it in 1 of 2 ways:

  1. Use AHA+ in place of Moisturizer every other evening. DO NOT use it every day at full strength.
  2. Dispense 1/2 AHA+ and 1/2 Moisturizer into your palm, mix, and apply every evening.

For the body and back of the neck: AHA+ works alongside Treatment to completely clear body acne and acne on the back of the neck. See The Body Regimen or The Neck Regimen for instructions.

As a spot treatment: If you see a zit forming, try to catch it early. Apply Treatment (Benzoyl Peroxide – 2.5%) and allow it to dry, then apply AHA+, twice a day. This can stop the zit from developing. Note: Putting an ice cube in a Ziploc®-type bag and holding it on the lesion for 5 minutes twice a day (you can do it more frequently than this if you want but don’t stress yourself out about it too much and make sure you leave 2 hours between applications) will up the chances that spot treatment will be successful.

To combat physical irritation of the skin: When anything rubs against the skin repeatedly, such as a chin strap or helmet, it irritates the skin and can cause a breakout. Attempt to avoid or reduce irritation when possible. However, if you do end up irritating your skin, apply AHA+ after your next regimen application (reminder: make sure you don’t introduce AHA+ until you have been on The Regimen for 1 month). This can help prevent an irritation-induced acne flare up.

sun SUNBURN ALERT: Any alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) may increase your skin’s sensitivity to the sun and particularly the possibility of sunburn. Use a sunscreen and limit sun exposure while using AHA and for a week after discontinuing its use.

See the AHA+ FAQs for answers to frequently asked questions.

Uses of Glycolic Acid

*Note: Use AHA+ only every 2-3 days at full strength, or dilute it 1/2 and 1/2 with moisturizer if using every day. Organic Jojoba Oil

Jojoba oil does not clog pores. Quite the contrary, since it may help keep the skin barrier in good working order, this can potentially help with acne. It is also postulated, yet still unproven, that using a bit of jojoba oil can “trick” the skin into thinking it is already producing enough oil, thus reducing natural oil production. Since excess skin oil production leads to acne, this would be a good thing.

The main reason I sell jojoba oil is because it enhances moisturization. Add 5-6 drops of it into Moisturizer to bump up the hydration, particularly in the first few weeks of The Regimen when your skin will still be getting used to Treatment (Benzoyl Peroxide – 2.5%) and will be quite dry. But even after your skin has become accustomed to Treatment, it’s still great to have some jojoba oil around. You’ll find a ton of uses for it.

Why organic?

I chose to sell only the organic variety of jojoba oil because I am passionate about supporting sustainable farming practices. Plus, the organic variety that I buy, and the farm I buy it from, means I can sell literally the best jojoba oil in the world. That’s my goal with all products. After all, if you can’t sell the best, why sell anything? You’ll notice its quality as soon as you get it.

Other ways to use it:

Extra-light lip balm: Put 2 drops or so on your finger and then apply it to your lips. Quite nice, especially before bed.

Makeup remover: Jojoba oil removes all types of makeup easily. I recommend simply dispensing a few drops directly on your fingers and very gently removing makeup with your bare hands. Nothing is as gentle as your bare hands, and it’s important to reduce physical irritation when battling acne. However, you can also dispense a quick stream of jojoba oil onto makeup removal pads or cotton balls if you really want to remove makeup with that way, but remember to stay ultra-gentle.

Massage oil: Jojoba oil is known as one of the world’s best massage oils, and it is. If you are prone to body breakouts, always take some jojoba oil with you and ask your masseuse/masseur to use it instead of their usual massage oil. Keep in mind that physical irritation of the skin can aggravate acne, so even if you use jojoba oil for your massage oil, you may experience physical irritation and this could lead to breakouts. To be extra safe, perform The Body Regimen the night after you get a massage as insurance against a breakout.

Baby care: Jojoba oil is exceedingly gentle and inert and can be used on both adult and baby.

Note: Jojoba oil may get cloudy or develop floating wax particulates, especially in cool weather. This is normal and to be expected. However, if you see mold form, that means you’re storing your jojoba oil in too wet and warm of an area. If you see mold, stop using it and throw it away.

Store in a cool, dry place. Do not store in the shower! Jojoba oil is unique in that it is extraordinarily resistant to oxidation and can last literally for years in its original pristine state. This is a great thing when it comes to acne because oxidized oil can wreak havoc on acne. However, if you store it in a warm and wet place like the shower, it can develop mold, so be sure to store it somewhere cool and dry—preferably outside the bathroom altogether. Organic Jojoba Oil comes with a cap that dispenses one drop at a time or in larger amounts if you squeeze from the sides.

To learn more about jojoba oil, its uses, and our manufacturing process, check out our jojoba oil page.


Water, PEG-80 Sorbitan Laurate, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Sodium Trideceth Sulfate, Glycerin, Sodium Lauroamphoacetate, PEG-150 Distearate, Sodium Laureth 13 Carboxylate, Disodium Cocamphodiacetate, Butylene Glycol, Sage Extract, Cucumber Extract, White Oak Bark Extract, Panthenol, Allantoin, Acrylates Copolymer, Methylgluceth-20, Polysorbate-20, Quaternium-15, DMDM Hydantoin, Disodium EDTA.

Treatment (Benzoyl Peroxide – 2.5%)

Active Ingredient: 2.5% Benzoyl Peroxide

Also Contains: Water, Butylene Glycol, Carbomer, Potassium Sorbate, Phenoxyethanol, Diazolidinyl Urea, Sodium Hydroxide.


Water, Methyl Gluceth-20, Butylene Glycol, Helianthus annuus (Sunflower) Seed Oil, Niacinamide, Urea, Colloidal Oatmeal, Simmondsia chinensis (Jojoba) Seed Oil, Squalane, Cetyl Palmitate, Glyceryl Stearate, Light Liquid Paraffin, Lactic Acid, Sodium Hyaluronate, Cetearyl Alcohol, PEG-100 Stearate, Dimethicone, Tocopheryl Acetate, Xanthan Gum, Phenoxyethanol, Ethylhexylglycerin.

AHA+ (Glycolic Acid - 10%)

Water, Glycolic Acid, Sodium Hydroxide, C12-15 Alkyl Benzoate, Cetyl Palmitate, Sorbitan Stearate, Glycerin, Cyclomethicone, Glyceryl Stearate, Butylene Glycol, Licochalcone (Glycyrrhiza glabra (Licorice) Root Extract), Tocopheryl Acetate, Squalane, PEG-12 Glyceryl Distearate, PEG-100 Stearate, Magnesium Aluminum Silicate, Xanthan Gum, Sorbic Acid, 1,2-Hexanediol, Caprylyl Glycol.

Organic Jojoba Oil

Jojoba Oil (100% Organic)